'For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve ...' 

Mark 10:45

Good Hope Lutheran Church has a rich history of being 'little Christs' by serving the community and surrounding neighborhood. 

  • Women of the ELCA

    Our WELCA group is always on the go!  They do a pasty fundraiser twice a year to help defray costs for unforseen building repairs, purchase additional furniture/materials for classrooms when needed and make donations to community charities. They also sponsor a fun silent auction/spaghetti dinner twice a year.  All are welcome to the dinner! 

  • Fellowship and Outreach

    Fellowship and Outreach board sponsors many events throughout the year. Our Saturday tea (pictured here) is just one of our most popular events. We reach out to our congregation and community for ideas for fun events, outings, projects, etc. We also sponsor a once a month coffee hour for additional fellowship after our worship services. All are welcome to join in any of our events. We advertise to our community to join us as well. Fellowship and Outreach board is always looking for new members!!

  • Quilter's Group


    Quilts have been made for many years to provide comfort and warmth to those in need.

    Today the Good Hope Quilters have continued the tradition, working along with the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) to provide quilts that are needed nationally and around the world.  The quilts are simple in design and have provided relief to such places as Kurkiye, recovering from a massive earthquake.

    What we do:

    •        The quilters meet September through May in the Church’s gathering hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 9:30am. 
    •        Each fall, the quilts are displayed in the Church, blessed by the Pastor and packaged for shipment by the LWR to people challenged by earthquakes, floods and disasters around the globe.
    •        We are committed to making warm and sturdy quilts that will help someone.

    You can help:

    •        Contact the Church office if you would like to join the quilting group.  No special skills are required, and you will enjoy the warm fellowship with the quilters.
    •        Materials for the quilts of cotton and medium weight fabrics are always needed.  Please no religious symbols, holiday, or juvenile/baby themed fabrics.  Donations of fabric may be dropped off at the Church Office.


    Many thanks for your support,

    Karen, Beverly, Jackie